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Our antibody preparation platform includes polyclonal antibody and Monoclonal antibody preparation platformantibody purification platform and protein preparation platform. All the antibodies are produced by trained laboratory professionals. The technical routes we used are mature, stable and reliable. Our stringent quality control and validation processes use a variety of techniques, including western blot, ICC/IF, IHC, flow cytometry, ELISA, ChIP, IP and peptide array . So we can guarantee the purity as well as the activity. We use this platform to provide high quality antibodies for independent R & D projects.



版权所有:同昕生物技术(北京)有限公司    京ICP备05042404    公安机关备案号:京公网安备 11011402010196 联系我们    技术支持:35互联        

地址:北京市中关村生命科学园创新大厦(昌平区生命园路29号)D座201室     电话:(010)80729678    传真:(010)80729678-8002